05-01-2014, 04:17 AM
I've been on since December, so wow. This is a very late intro, but who cares.
My IGN is PNWMan. My dad made the account and made the name up. PNW stands for Pacific Northwest, since I live there. I'm not exactly a man; I'm 16 (I was 15 when I joined), although I am manly
. I live in Washington State (in the PNW, as I said).
I remember my first experiment with redstone... Pistons had just come out and I wanted to see what they did. I figured I might as well check out what redstone was, too. I remember trying to craft "Placeable Dust" out of redstone dust, but I eventually figured out I could just place the dust itself down. The first real contraption I made was the suckiest piston door you have ever seen.
I built my skills, learning what the parts did and how they interacted. I actually had some previous knowledge of logic gates and even a very mediocre knowledge of binary. I was obsessed with this game called Little Big Planet before I ever even heard of Minecraft. In 7th grade, my friend would always talk about "that stupid Minecraft game" and it bored me to death. But I finally tried it out, and liked it. I joined Minecraft in beta 1.6.6..
I had actually figured out how to make a binary adder (if you can call it that, it did actually add though) completely on my own, without any knowledge of adders or help of tutorials. It was insanely massive, and I never finished the decoders that would hook up to the screen, but by looking at the lines that turned on, I could tell it worked.
I remember (I think...) my first redstone server. I don't even remember what it was called, but my friend had brought me to it. It was a door/trap/farm type server, I highly doubt there was a single RCA adder even there. I quit that LONG ago.
So a bit before I joined, I figured, "Hm... this logic stuff is pretty cool. People can make calculator stuffs with it, so I'll go find a redstone server." I tried out ORE and Stym's but I found ORE to be better. The amount of stuff I have learned is insane, and I eventually decided to become a teacher.
So... yeah, that is me, pretty much. Recently, my enthusiasm for redstone has decreased a scary amount, and I wish to get it back up. I do have one project I want to finish, and I call it the SCI adder. I won't go into detail here, I'll do that elsewhere on the forums. So, when I finish that, I don't know what I will do, I might learn CLE. Hell, why don't I do it now? Oh, because it will be dinner time and I'm tired.
My IGN is PNWMan. My dad made the account and made the name up. PNW stands for Pacific Northwest, since I live there. I'm not exactly a man; I'm 16 (I was 15 when I joined), although I am manly

I remember my first experiment with redstone... Pistons had just come out and I wanted to see what they did. I figured I might as well check out what redstone was, too. I remember trying to craft "Placeable Dust" out of redstone dust, but I eventually figured out I could just place the dust itself down. The first real contraption I made was the suckiest piston door you have ever seen.
I built my skills, learning what the parts did and how they interacted. I actually had some previous knowledge of logic gates and even a very mediocre knowledge of binary. I was obsessed with this game called Little Big Planet before I ever even heard of Minecraft. In 7th grade, my friend would always talk about "that stupid Minecraft game" and it bored me to death. But I finally tried it out, and liked it. I joined Minecraft in beta 1.6.6..
I had actually figured out how to make a binary adder (if you can call it that, it did actually add though) completely on my own, without any knowledge of adders or help of tutorials. It was insanely massive, and I never finished the decoders that would hook up to the screen, but by looking at the lines that turned on, I could tell it worked.
I remember (I think...) my first redstone server. I don't even remember what it was called, but my friend had brought me to it. It was a door/trap/farm type server, I highly doubt there was a single RCA adder even there. I quit that LONG ago.
So a bit before I joined, I figured, "Hm... this logic stuff is pretty cool. People can make calculator stuffs with it, so I'll go find a redstone server." I tried out ORE and Stym's but I found ORE to be better. The amount of stuff I have learned is insane, and I eventually decided to become a teacher.
So... yeah, that is me, pretty much. Recently, my enthusiasm for redstone has decreased a scary amount, and I wish to get it back up. I do have one project I want to finish, and I call it the SCI adder. I won't go into detail here, I'll do that elsewhere on the forums. So, when I finish that, I don't know what I will do, I might learn CLE. Hell, why don't I do it now? Oh, because it will be dinner time and I'm tired.