I'm just gonna go ahead and say it right now because I've been active in the development of the 1.8 server. progress is going very effectively! we've been working our asses off (especially nick) with the spawn area and I believe we have pretty much almost reached climax. Also since freebuild is not supported by plotme, we were unable to supply one. so there's that. I am trying not to spoil anything, but you can bet your asses your pants will drop and ovaries break when you see it. Nick and the others have truly made a great spawn out of a great idea. all we need to do is finalize the spawn and test everything (promoting and claiming plots and such). we haven't made build spawn yet, we have to do that as well so it's gonna be a one or two extra weeks or so, there's also the permissions for mod because right now there is no mod rank (it exists though, that's it). You can most likely expect a release date for school before build unless staff wants to update them at the same time though. I haven't talked to nick or the others yet, but I personally expect everything to be done maybe a week after march or even by march if we can keep up our current efficiency. don't take my word for it though because this is completely raw speculation from myself alone. But yeah, I expect a release date by the end of this week.
- Pabro
- Pabro
<-- The actual Minecraft server host