04-08-2015, 04:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2015, 04:19 PM by Nickster258.)
'Ello all!
We have been waiting for a while and 1.8.3 for ORE was rolled out yesterday, which makes us all happy. Despite this, there will still be problems with it from time to time and we need your help to report those problems. Visit this thread to report a problem. This also means that the IRC channel has changed, we have ditched #OREServerChat and in order to find us you can visit #OREChat instead.
Since it is preferred to notify all the players of the changes with the server and plugins, here are the changes:
- Side note, we have banners:
![[Image: leaderboard-75421.png]](http://minecraft-mp.com/leaderboard-75421.png)
![[Image: leaderboard-75433.png]](http://minecraft-mp.com/leaderboard-75433.png)
Find more here: http://minecraft-mp.com/group/435/
We have been waiting for a while and 1.8.3 for ORE was rolled out yesterday, which makes us all happy. Despite this, there will still be problems with it from time to time and we need your help to report those problems. Visit this thread to report a problem. This also means that the IRC channel has changed, we have ditched #OREServerChat and in order to find us you can visit #OREChat instead.
Since it is preferred to notify all the players of the changes with the server and plugins, here are the changes:
- HawkEye - Did not work on spigot 1.8.3 - RIP
- OREUtilsv2 - For obvious reasons
- DBPassword - Because #wut?
- OTJP - I do not even know
- PyPythonLoader - Because OREUtils is RIP
- WorldBorder - Not needed (there is an ingame border)
- MineBackup - Did not work on spigot 1.8.3 - RIP
- ModifyWorld - Worldguard and essentials replace this
- PowerNBT - Because we do not need this.
- Alias - Custom. Mort96 - simple aliasing for schems and others
- AutoProgram - Custom. Mort96 - java rendition of autoprogram
- FunCommands - Custom. Chibill - adds the fun commands from OREUtils
- Slab - Custom. Chibill - allows /slab (This replaces /i 44:8)
- AsyncWorldEdit - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/asyncworldedit.327/
- AutoRestart - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/autorestart.2538/
- CoreProtect - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/coreprotect/
- CS-CoreLib - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/cs-corelib/
- EditableSign - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/editablesign.2502/
- Dynmap - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynmap.274/
- Plot2Dynmap - http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plot2dynmap.1292/
- PlotSquared - http://plotsquared.empcraft.com/
- PurpleIRC - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/purpleirc/
- RankPrefixPlus - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rankprefix-plus/
- Vault - http://minecraft-mp.com/plugin/vault/
- Chibill, for writing custom plugins that fix the /i 44:8 issue and for FunCommands! Thanks man!
- Mort96, for writing an alias plugin and AutoProgram for java! Meaning NO more python for us!
- PabloDons, for working from start to end as my main side-kick in consulting and nearly every plugin on the server. Special thanks!
- Paulydboy, for providing sarcastically blunt input to all my ideas, making me realize exactly what is needed and what is not needed. Thanks!!
- Slugdude, for helping build spawn! Without it the spawn would be a bland mess... eww. Thanks!
- And thanks to all the others that have helped testing things, thanks!
- Side note, we have banners:
![[Image: leaderboard-75421.png]](http://minecraft-mp.com/leaderboard-75421.png)
![[Image: leaderboard-75433.png]](http://minecraft-mp.com/leaderboard-75433.png)
Find more here: http://minecraft-mp.com/group/435/
![[Image: Nickster258.png]](https://projecteuler.net/profile/Nickster258.png)