Yes, plus I am hoping to set it up so you run the function main in the "loader" which is in the actual code library the launcher uses that contains the two classes I was going to rewrite. I can write a Tweaker with the Sims main class as it what it says to run but include FML's deobf transformer and the patcher (so if you want you can patch normal mc code at run time to call your own functions.). I will be working on this to day and trying to get it to run using it.
Its obfuscated to srgnames after its compiled with a deobfed version of Minecraft. And they don't change every minor version they do every major version but there is a new MCP config every version that forge uses.
Its obfuscated to srgnames after its compiled with a deobfed version of Minecraft. And they don't change every minor version they do every major version but there is a new MCP config every version that forge uses.