I feel cut is right about this, and that old, inactive, or unwanting staff members should be demoted. I also feel possibly a new rank should be included, a [Moderator]. Feel free to change the name, idc. But this new rank would not have full staff privileges such as console access, social spy, high-trust things like that. However, they would have the ability to accept applications and possibly promote to student (possibly only student and not member??) and also do a trial. I've seen 1 instance where a member (greatgamer to be specific, not a staff member at the time) was chosen to do the trial. I mean, is accepting an application a ridiculously hard and dangerous thing to do? And are most members so stupid they can't even oversee and judge a trial? The answer to both these questions is unquestionably NO. However, not just any member should be given this new rank, only members who have shown that they are trustworthy for a while.
Students-to-be and members-to-be are frustrated at this process taking days when it could literally take 5 minutes to accept an application, and for visitors to become students. These are not hard tasks, and should not require 1 of the few active staff to complete. This is why I suggest we add a new rank, the [Moderator].
Students-to-be and members-to-be are frustrated at this process taking days when it could literally take 5 minutes to accept an application, and for visitors to become students. These are not hard tasks, and should not require 1 of the few active staff to complete. This is why I suggest we add a new rank, the [Moderator].