Minecraft name: ZBager
What do you like the most about redstone?:
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: 4, 8 and 16 bit instant CPUs + one 2 threads
11 bit instant CPU with integrated minecraft world all running on 4.5 tick clock.
What does the thing do?: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fibbonacci sequence
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: https://imgur.com/a/KEHC7Dr
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: basic 4 bit instant alu
Do you agree with the rules?: yes
More pictures on imgur
What do you like the most about redstone?:
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: 4, 8 and 16 bit instant CPUs + one 2 threads
11 bit instant CPU with integrated minecraft world all running on 4.5 tick clock.
What does the thing do?: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fibbonacci sequence
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: https://imgur.com/a/KEHC7Dr
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: basic 4 bit instant alu
Do you agree with the rules?: yes
More pictures on imgur