04-20-2015, 06:28 AM
hmm the jig is up. you found out lol (took longer than i thought it would). i guess the xbox part was a little much but i dont really know. i forgot my password and such. i decided you guys were probably tired of my photos of my redstone so i waited til i could get a computer (even thought its my sisters) to get more into minecraft. hope that i didn't make it onto your bad list for my photos or million questions or anything. i am looking forward to doing redstone with others rather than by myself (and youtube lol.) but seriously how did you figure that out? ip address? any way again i hope i do get to help out a lot. i wont be posting a million things like last time as seeing A there already there and B i'm way better at redstone and wont need to ask a million questions. hope to play with you guys soon or not if i annoyed you guys or something. have a great day. basically i'm not really new. why did you put martin as a hyperlink i already knew it existed.