I had quite some trouble narrowing down an infinite repaint loop, but it seems to be solved. Did some more work towards selecting stuff, and it seems to be consistently working now. It works just like in excel with shift and ctrl (or cmd). Up next is moving the contents of selections and tiling, both will take a while.
I've also released version 0.2, which has mostly internal changes, still lots of bugs.
EDIT: Good news! Because of this problem I couldn't get an instance of a player without adding authlib as dependency. That player instance was necessary to right click certain things like repeaters (because of playerIn.capabilities.allowEdit). It was a stupid mistake and it is now fixed again. It worked before, but I couldn't export the jar with authlib still in it, so in this release right click won't work, in future ones it will.
EDIT2: Oh yeah, to top off the good new with some bad news, I found out there is at least one simulation inaccuracy with this kind of piston worms. Still scratching my head about it.
EDIT3: Fixed it! Much more accurate now. I'll mainly focus on making things stable for a while.
I had quite some trouble narrowing down an infinite repaint loop, but it seems to be solved. Did some more work towards selecting stuff, and it seems to be consistently working now. It works just like in excel with shift and ctrl (or cmd). Up next is moving the contents of selections and tiling, both will take a while.
I've also released version 0.2, which has mostly internal changes, still lots of bugs.
EDIT: Good news! Because of this problem I couldn't get an instance of a player without adding authlib as dependency. That player instance was necessary to right click certain things like repeaters (because of playerIn.capabilities.allowEdit). It was a stupid mistake and it is now fixed again. It worked before, but I couldn't export the jar with authlib still in it, so in this release right click won't work, in future ones it will.
EDIT2: Oh yeah, to top off the good new with some bad news, I found out there is at least one simulation inaccuracy with this kind of piston worms. Still scratching my head about it.
EDIT3: Fixed it! Much more accurate now. I'll mainly focus on making things stable for a while.