10-06-2014, 05:27 AM
(10-05-2014, 09:24 PM)TSO Wrote: To answer the thing about my reasoning for the CPU working and saying lack of disproof is a sign of proof. You see this type of proof happen all the time in mathematics, but what I was saying was that in my hypothetical, I have this CPU that does CPU stuff, and detail is mostly ignored. Now, we can safely say the CPU will work because either a.) my design works, or b.) I shamelessly throw someone else's in there. Thus we know for certain that a working CPU stage is possible in that portion of the discussion. Do note that we can't say that my CPU design will work by that principle, but we can say the computer will work.
Now you're pretending to say what i said... read what i said once more... you will then realise what i say about lack of evidence isn't evidence, i mean you can be ignorant about that if you want, but then i could say that pigs have wings and that just because we haven't seen a pig with wings doesn't mean it's not the truth.
(10-05-2014, 09:42 PM)TSO Wrote: Yes, I just have been too busy as of late to fully respond to all that.
The only reason I'm hiding any of this is because there isn't a minecraft "patent" that prevents other people that see this from building it first and claiming it was their idea. There isn't a way to force people to say where they got the idea from. I can tell you right now I got it from when my father was explaining computer programming (i can't program at all) and said that the operating system was involved in a process. I have a personal bias against operating systems (lol), so I tried to think of a workaround for that particular function.
we are luck we don't have to worry about patents being so bad, because if we did intel and AMD would be suing us big time for being based on them
(10-06-2014, 03:05 AM)LordDecapo Wrote: with the variable completion time u will have between ur mult/root/divide/square/add/sub.. you will have to have a system to track that, or have to precompile with those time frames in mind, cause all ops have to save and u cant save 2 at the same time unless u make one of the first dual write Reg.
he would be 2nd, i have all ready made this a year or so ago.
Also TSO please note my name isn't megazorb... i'm not a power ranger XD
if you're so concerned with patents then why don't you pay the 100's of 1000's it cost to get some? besides they don't stop anyone from building anything patented (except USA for some bizarre reason they aren't aloud to)
You have some interesting ideas and the way you describe implementation is vastly different to what I've heard before, but please also make solid plans, because by how it's sounding is you're just making to much for your self to actually make, you say you're familiure with EE and CS, but i doubt you've even as much knowledge as a first year student (not to be offensive, but the knowledge they have is eminence, few of us on the server can compare, most that can are EE or CS students them selfs)
So yer... try to get some more solid plans and designs that can give you a strong idea as to how everything may work together, you will find a few gaps where you hadn't though to much into and you can then reflect on that, we have plenty of people here you can learn from if you need additional info.
Sorry if this seemed a little rantish, tired at this point :/ Have a nice time