TSO i've no idea who you are but i love you, you're just that bit crazy enough to do new things and that's cool , but you've got lot's to learn.
It seemed to you wanted to be proven wrong and so now i shall help; Your talk on the memory not causeing lag for the reasons you said are somewhat correct, those things you said are the main causes of "Lag" but you didn't notice how the server keeps track of all of those states regardless to weather it's a chunk a player is in or not, also each time the redstone changes MC makes a write to HDD (because mojang derp) which of course takes time, but to say you placed glowstone in all the otherwise dead space, it may reduce the lighting update a little.
Now to move on to the instant wire busing you wanted, their's a update limit in MC iirc, implementing instant wire has proven unreliable in the past and those where on relatively small scale, to put it into the scale you have would most definitely drop values and thus cause corrupt data.
This where just some facts, i get the sense that you're trying to initialate multicores, unfortunitly in MC they tend to not work for the fact we don't have enough load, and for the few things where multicore could be usefull we don't have the memory bandwidth to match the requirements of this, hence why most CPUs are only a single SISD PE
Further more Decapo does have a rather powerful SISD PE that nears what is theroeticly the best possible. beyond which if you want to talk about raw processing power i'm still drafting methods of a SIMD or MSIMD PE array, of which i target to achieve a minimal of 26.6recurring (26+(2/3)) computations a second average.
Currently what you have to contend with are PEs that can decode instructions, fetch, compute, writeback and branch with a 10tick clock, some are even quicker then that.
I like some of the ideas you have and you seem like a nice enough guy, i hope you shall be proud of your creation how ever it turns out as few tempt to make such large scale stuff.
though i have to now make it clear why i choice to go against you so strongly:
We call this ignorance in my country, this argument is what most religious people would say to "prove" that their god(s) or equal is real.
But coming back to reality, no evidence of existence isn't evidence of lack of existence, and neither does it work in the other direction, in you're case; lacking the evidence to say you're idea doesn't work doesn't mean it does work.
You should try to be a little more scientific about things you build
also i define power as P=IV.
It would be nice to see what you come up with as you seem to have a good few ideas and would also like to see you around a bit, best of luck.
It seemed to you wanted to be proven wrong and so now i shall help; Your talk on the memory not causeing lag for the reasons you said are somewhat correct, those things you said are the main causes of "Lag" but you didn't notice how the server keeps track of all of those states regardless to weather it's a chunk a player is in or not, also each time the redstone changes MC makes a write to HDD (because mojang derp) which of course takes time, but to say you placed glowstone in all the otherwise dead space, it may reduce the lighting update a little.
Now to move on to the instant wire busing you wanted, their's a update limit in MC iirc, implementing instant wire has proven unreliable in the past and those where on relatively small scale, to put it into the scale you have would most definitely drop values and thus cause corrupt data.
This where just some facts, i get the sense that you're trying to initialate multicores, unfortunitly in MC they tend to not work for the fact we don't have enough load, and for the few things where multicore could be usefull we don't have the memory bandwidth to match the requirements of this, hence why most CPUs are only a single SISD PE
Further more Decapo does have a rather powerful SISD PE that nears what is theroeticly the best possible. beyond which if you want to talk about raw processing power i'm still drafting methods of a SIMD or MSIMD PE array, of which i target to achieve a minimal of 26.6recurring (26+(2/3)) computations a second average.
Currently what you have to contend with are PEs that can decode instructions, fetch, compute, writeback and branch with a 10tick clock, some are even quicker then that.
I like some of the ideas you have and you seem like a nice enough guy, i hope you shall be proud of your creation how ever it turns out as few tempt to make such large scale stuff.
though i have to now make it clear why i choice to go against you so strongly:
(10-04-2014, 06:39 AM)TSO Wrote: So when I say the CPU will work, it's because I don't even have a design yet that can be proven to not work, and we know CPU's exist that do work, so we can say it is possible for me to have a CPU that works in our hypothetical situation. Whether or not I designed it myself is irrelevant to the current conditions of the hypothetical.
We call this ignorance in my country, this argument is what most religious people would say to "prove" that their god(s) or equal is real.
But coming back to reality, no evidence of existence isn't evidence of lack of existence, and neither does it work in the other direction, in you're case; lacking the evidence to say you're idea doesn't work doesn't mean it does work.
You should try to be a little more scientific about things you build
also i define power as P=IV.
It would be nice to see what you come up with as you seem to have a good few ideas and would also like to see you around a bit, best of luck.