Thank you, tyler, for considering my opinion! However, I do feel that the election should be different than the staff election. Yesterday me and a few ORE friends argued and reasoned that the elections are really a popularity contest. Last staff election, who were the two MOST popular people at that time? Of course they were greatgamer and darkroom. Now, this is not to say the new admins were not chosen improperly, however, it is slightly rigged to popularity and even redstone skill.
May I suggest possibly a nomination for [Moderator], then some sort of trial, where maybe... a volunteer does a quick "fake trial for build" to see how the person does at helping and judging, or possibly a fake application (in a hidden section if possible to avoid clutter) to see how they do at accepting applications.
May I suggest possibly a nomination for [Moderator], then some sort of trial, where maybe... a volunteer does a quick "fake trial for build" to see how the person does at helping and judging, or possibly a fake application (in a hidden section if possible to avoid clutter) to see how they do at accepting applications.