09-24-2015, 06:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2015, 06:16 AM by newomaster.)
So soon I will be applying for colleges and I have a question which you guys might be able to weight input on: How do you think highly selective tech schools such as MIT would react to seeing redstone experience and redstone devices on their applications? They are all about accepting people with interesting and diverse interests, but I don't know if they will interpret redstone as "That's great, he spent a lot of time learning computer science." or "That's great, he spent a lot of time playing a video game and learning a pseudo-CS instead of learning real science and technology and creating real things." (which they advocate heavily) (not to say I didn't do that either, but let's take redstone by itself for a moment). Yes, I'm sorry, I'm getting you into the redstone vs. real life debate again (please, no flame wars ...
). My main concern is that admitting a video game took such a large portion of my life could actually appear off-putting and lazy to those who haven't become as accustomed to it as we are. The idea that someone can learn real life skills through a video game is still a relatively new idea.
Personally I think I should include my redstone, since if anyone's going to find it interesting it's the guys over there at MIT, but what do you guys think?
Super serious post :O ... sorry about that xD

Personally I think I should include my redstone, since if anyone's going to find it interesting it's the guys over there at MIT, but what do you guys think?
Super serious post :O ... sorry about that xD