Hey guys, i really liked the CPU competition and i want to do it more often. capo said he would make a thread where we could post ideas, but for it isnt there yet, im doing it here:
- smallest cpu (volume)
- linedrawer
- cpu building in teams (2 builders, one better and one less good so ppl can learn)
- cpu building in teams of builder + students so students can learn. the goal is that the students learn so in the end the students will have to explain the parts to verify that its not just the builder who knows)
- brainfuck interpreter
- circle drawer
- cpu controlled screen
- von neuman architecture cpu (data and program in same memory right?)
- minigames competition (multiple possible minigames)
- for the guys who like it, altho we are a logic server: piston doors
- some kind of internet / communication system
- Instruction set design / shortest program doing X with Instruction set Y