11-22-2014, 02:32 PM
Hey TSO,,, you do know that a straight x86 code didn't require as much microcode right?
Originally it had just some straight ops that were decoded just like normal old ops, the MAIN and original purpose to expand the microcode use was due to wanting to keep backward compatibility with older programs, in which there IS had much more complicated ops so they had to be microcoded to be able to run on an x86 sub system..
notice how a lot of new CPUs have all this stuff on them... then stuck in a corner of the cores there's an "x86 unit" or what ever each processor decides designer decided to call it.
And x86 did have a lengthy aND over complicated memory system. That requires much paper work... but it also rather shit compared to current days setups
Originally it had just some straight ops that were decoded just like normal old ops, the MAIN and original purpose to expand the microcode use was due to wanting to keep backward compatibility with older programs, in which there IS had much more complicated ops so they had to be microcoded to be able to run on an x86 sub system..
notice how a lot of new CPUs have all this stuff on them... then stuck in a corner of the cores there's an "x86 unit" or what ever each processor decides designer decided to call it.
And x86 did have a lengthy aND over complicated memory system. That requires much paper work... but it also rather shit compared to current days setups