I agree with Tyler's post, but I think that maybe political debates should stay out of chat too? It got pretty intense yesterday, between myself (admittedly) and crazy.
EDIT: Command idea! (Staff only) /warn <player> <reason> and (staff only) /warncheck <player>
/warn <player> <reason> would add an line to a text file on the server or something, with something like this:
<player> was warned on (date of warning) at (time of warning) for <reason>.
/warncheck <player> would scan said file for all lines matching <player> and would display it for the staff to see in their chat.
This would add a formal way of keeping track of warnings, and quick for a staff to check a player's warnings ingame.
What do you guys think? Yay, nay, or this should be in the command suggestion subforum?
Edit 2: Ya,imma post this in the command suggestion subforum.
EDIT: Command idea! (Staff only) /warn <player> <reason> and (staff only) /warncheck <player>
/warn <player> <reason> would add an line to a text file on the server or something, with something like this:
<player> was warned on (date of warning) at (time of warning) for <reason>.
/warncheck <player> would scan said file for all lines matching <player> and would display it for the staff to see in their chat.
This would add a formal way of keeping track of warnings, and quick for a staff to check a player's warnings ingame.
What do you guys think? Yay, nay, or this should be in the command suggestion subforum?
Edit 2: Ya,imma post this in the command suggestion subforum.