My name is Michael in real life in Minecraft I am popwser
I love making things that are part of computers in real life, (Displays, Calcs, Logic Units, RAM etc.)
I have made an RCALU, a 7 segment display, and a 4-bit calculator that does subtraction and addition.
RCALU does adding and subtraction along with different logic operations, the 7 segment display and calculator are self explanatory.
(Images) RCALU: , 7-segment: , 4-bit Calculator:
I certainly agree with the rules.
Please consider my application.
Love you all.

I love making things that are part of computers in real life, (Displays, Calcs, Logic Units, RAM etc.)
I have made an RCALU, a 7 segment display, and a 4-bit calculator that does subtraction and addition.
RCALU does adding and subtraction along with different logic operations, the 7 segment display and calculator are self explanatory.
(Images) RCALU: , 7-segment: , 4-bit Calculator:
I certainly agree with the rules.
Please consider my application.
Love you all.