Hello everyone, I'm auztin3 or Austin if you haven't figured that out already! I figured since I'm only a few days into my ORE experience that I should make an introduction for myself.
Well, I'm 16 years old and a avid swimmer since I was seven... It's taken me across the country, competing with people across the world! To be completely honest though, I like minecraft more
This month (August) is my only month off of swimming and it's gonna be really hard to get back into it... It's been so nice just waking up, occasionally going to work, and knowing I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want
So now I guess, it's time for how I got into redstone!
My redstoning experience started on the Xbox as soon as pistons were brought there... I think somewhere around a year and a half ago. From then on I played an abnormal amount of minecraft, usually following tutorials on doors and clocks and stuff like that. The reason I could play so much is because we have Verizon Internet which as some of you may know, has a limited amount of usage per month... Since that was our home Internet, we usually hit that mark half way through the month meaning I had no Internet the other half! Single player minecraft mixed with the occasional Skyrim allowed me to still keep occupied!
The first redstone device I would say that took some skill (for me back then) was a tic tac toe board I built in survival... Still amazes me how I didn't shoot myself with frustration every time I fell off a died. Then creative mode came to the Xbox... Back then I was still searching around for tutorials on YouTube at the library... (Didnt want to use up our Internet) I somehow stumbled upon a calculator tutorial by none other than bennyscube
So I downloaded the whole series onto my iPod (jailbroken) and went back home...
I can't tell you how utterly lost i was watching Benny talk about binary! I just watched in amazement that someone could do that in minecraft... However without much of an understanding, I went along, trying to copy his every move. (Which is a lot harder than it seems when your trying to build a calculator that works in binary without an understanding of binary) However as the tutorials progressed, I found it easier and easier to stray off and change up his design a bit... To my amazement, after a while of work, I had a working calculator thanks to Benny
I guess you could say I had a sudden boost of imagination one day and decided to start a graphing calculator! (Since Xbox doesn't have world edit, it had to be built block by block
) I enlisted the help of SgtGodswordBerserker (the other graphing calculator dude) to help me with it as I still had a lot to learn... He taught me about shift registers, BCD-Binary converters, and many other things that generally improved my knowledge of redstone. I then used it to build the graphing function on my own.. ( A little help from Grizdales shift register and Proper's XY decoder tho)
I've decided now is the stage of my redstoning career that I should take it over to the PC and attempt to work with the best redstoners out there! And believe me on this... Once you go //stack, you'll never go back.. (Pretty proud of that line! Made it up myself ^.^) I gotta tell you, especially newo if you're reading this cause you did my trial, that the only time I've ever been more scared was at state wide swim meet when I was 12 coming into finals first... It was hard for me to press the right keys because I was shaking so badly... It didnt help once I had finished with my trial when you said "I don't think your quite ready yet..." Then an AGONIZING ten seconds later, telling me "okay now your ready"...
Now that I made the switch though, I promise to be a full fledged member here that will get on as much as he can... (I've logged over 1000 hours of playing time on the Xbox...)
So I congratulate the people that have finished my rambling story and hope this lets you know me a little better! If you skipped to here after reading the first paragraph, no big deal!
I look forward to working with all of you on the server! Thanks!
Well, I'm 16 years old and a avid swimmer since I was seven... It's taken me across the country, competing with people across the world! To be completely honest though, I like minecraft more

My redstoning experience started on the Xbox as soon as pistons were brought there... I think somewhere around a year and a half ago. From then on I played an abnormal amount of minecraft, usually following tutorials on doors and clocks and stuff like that. The reason I could play so much is because we have Verizon Internet which as some of you may know, has a limited amount of usage per month... Since that was our home Internet, we usually hit that mark half way through the month meaning I had no Internet the other half! Single player minecraft mixed with the occasional Skyrim allowed me to still keep occupied!
The first redstone device I would say that took some skill (for me back then) was a tic tac toe board I built in survival... Still amazes me how I didn't shoot myself with frustration every time I fell off a died. Then creative mode came to the Xbox... Back then I was still searching around for tutorials on YouTube at the library... (Didnt want to use up our Internet) I somehow stumbled upon a calculator tutorial by none other than bennyscube

I can't tell you how utterly lost i was watching Benny talk about binary! I just watched in amazement that someone could do that in minecraft... However without much of an understanding, I went along, trying to copy his every move. (Which is a lot harder than it seems when your trying to build a calculator that works in binary without an understanding of binary) However as the tutorials progressed, I found it easier and easier to stray off and change up his design a bit... To my amazement, after a while of work, I had a working calculator thanks to Benny

I guess you could say I had a sudden boost of imagination one day and decided to start a graphing calculator! (Since Xbox doesn't have world edit, it had to be built block by block

I've decided now is the stage of my redstoning career that I should take it over to the PC and attempt to work with the best redstoners out there! And believe me on this... Once you go //stack, you'll never go back.. (Pretty proud of that line! Made it up myself ^.^) I gotta tell you, especially newo if you're reading this cause you did my trial, that the only time I've ever been more scared was at state wide swim meet when I was 12 coming into finals first... It was hard for me to press the right keys because I was shaking so badly... It didnt help once I had finished with my trial when you said "I don't think your quite ready yet..." Then an AGONIZING ten seconds later, telling me "okay now your ready"...

So I congratulate the people that have finished my rambling story and hope this lets you know me a little better! If you skipped to here after reading the first paragraph, no big deal!