08-19-2013, 01:58 PM
What is your In Game Name (IGN): Berick
What in particular interests you most about redstone: The unexpected and unbelievable emergent gameplay opportunities it allows. That, and it seems I'm always learning new things that can apply to real-world circuitry.
Which prompt have you selected to build: Probably 5 would be the most applicable.
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed: I make da best TNT cannons evar!11! All kidding aside, my best example would probably be Prelude of the Chambered
Please provide an explanation of your device: It's a "3D" dungeon crawler based on Notch's Ludum Dare game of the same name.
Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com: see above
Do you agree to the rules of our server: (yes/no) Yes
P.S. I probably won't be on much, as I'm devoting most of my free time to the game I am developing with Shrogg, but it would be nice to come hang out with the old gang every now and then
What in particular interests you most about redstone: The unexpected and unbelievable emergent gameplay opportunities it allows. That, and it seems I'm always learning new things that can apply to real-world circuitry.
Which prompt have you selected to build: Probably 5 would be the most applicable.
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed: I make da best TNT cannons evar!11! All kidding aside, my best example would probably be Prelude of the Chambered
Please provide an explanation of your device: It's a "3D" dungeon crawler based on Notch's Ludum Dare game of the same name.
Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com: see above
Do you agree to the rules of our server: (yes/no) Yes
P.S. I probably won't be on much, as I'm devoting most of my free time to the game I am developing with Shrogg, but it would be nice to come hang out with the old gang every now and then