I personally am Ice. I know. Save the applause. In any case, I joined RDF when it was already losing its extreme popularity. I did a little bit there, mostly ALUs. I never did actually build a CPU or anything, just a mediocre Tic Tac Toe game.
Before that, I had made a freelance redstone computer called Sandstorm, clocked at a COMPLETELY UNBEATABLY AMAZING 66 ticks!
I'm still proud of it though, because I came up with most of the concepts by myself.
After a month on RDF, I started a YouTube channel known as IceAndMc. It was majorly unsuccessful for its first month (it's only really kicking off now!), and so I started making piston doors, esssentially "selling out". Heh. It obviously didn't work though, so a week or two ago I rejoined ORE, and made a pretty much dud CPU (/pwarp iceg). Now I'm working on a buffered GPU with circle, line, and square drawing... that'll be on my channel soon!
TL;DR: I'm an ORE member.
Before that, I had made a freelance redstone computer called Sandstorm, clocked at a COMPLETELY UNBEATABLY AMAZING 66 ticks!

After a month on RDF, I started a YouTube channel known as IceAndMc. It was majorly unsuccessful for its first month (it's only really kicking off now!), and so I started making piston doors, esssentially "selling out". Heh. It obviously didn't work though, so a week or two ago I rejoined ORE, and made a pretty much dud CPU (/pwarp iceg). Now I'm working on a buffered GPU with circle, line, and square drawing... that'll be on my channel soon!
TL;DR: I'm an ORE member.