im Noah Jadoe, in minecraft im noahiscool13 and i wanna be a member of the ORE server.
I dont realy now what you heave to say here soo...
Im building with redstone like I gess 2 years maby and I have buildid computers alu's screens ram and al sords of redstone stuff. Im 13 year old and from the netherlands.
I like to program and I think that that helped me with my computers.
I hope that tihs is the right ting to post here
I know my grammar are bad, im dyslectic 
What is your In Game Name (IGN): noahiscool13
What in particular interests you most about redstone: logic stuff like alu's and computers
Which prompt have you selected to build: 1 [img]C:\Users\ASUS3\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\screenshots\2013-07-11_13.23.51[/img]
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed:
Please provide an explanation of your device:
its an alu, it can do:
and all logigc gates
shift right
and it has inputregistors
Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com:
Do you agree to the rules of our server: yes
Noah Jadoenathmisier
im Noah Jadoe, in minecraft im noahiscool13 and i wanna be a member of the ORE server.
I dont realy now what you heave to say here soo...
Im building with redstone like I gess 2 years maby and I have buildid computers alu's screens ram and al sords of redstone stuff. Im 13 year old and from the netherlands.
I like to program and I think that that helped me with my computers.
I hope that tihs is the right ting to post here

What is your In Game Name (IGN): noahiscool13
What in particular interests you most about redstone: logic stuff like alu's and computers
Which prompt have you selected to build: 1 [img]C:\Users\ASUS3\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\screenshots\2013-07-11_13.23.51[/img]
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed:
Please provide an explanation of your device:
its an alu, it can do:
and all logigc gates
shift right
and it has inputregistors
Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com:
Do you agree to the rules of our server: yes
Noah Jadoenathmisier