04-12-2014, 06:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2014, 06:27 PM by PiratePell.)
Minecraft Name: PiratePell
What do i like the most about redstone: I like how it can emulate (kinda) digital electronics and the computer science part of it. e.g. cpu design.
Things i made (On school server coords: x:-331 z:-1372):
- A poorly implemented alu which had flood carry, add, sub, invert a&b, and, Or but it was pretty slow as it used lots of multiplexers.
- I have also made a more efficient alu which implements and,or,xor,add,sub,flood carry, and cut carry and the invert operations.
- I am also currently designing/building a cpu with Nickster258 and some others. Though can't really claim credit for it as Its more of a learning experience for me
This link is an imgur which contains all the builds in the order i have written them in this app.
Do i agree with the rules: Yep all good.
What do i like the most about redstone: I like how it can emulate (kinda) digital electronics and the computer science part of it. e.g. cpu design.
Things i made (On school server coords: x:-331 z:-1372):
- A poorly implemented alu which had flood carry, add, sub, invert a&b, and, Or but it was pretty slow as it used lots of multiplexers.
- I have also made a more efficient alu which implements and,or,xor,add,sub,flood carry, and cut carry and the invert operations.
- I am also currently designing/building a cpu with Nickster258 and some others. Though can't really claim credit for it as Its more of a learning experience for me

This link is an imgur which contains all the builds in the order i have written them in this app.
Do i agree with the rules: Yep all good.