Minecraft name
What do you like the most about redstone?:the thing about redstone is you can be as creative and explore for new contraptions and mechanisms, also i love to make my own things
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: on minecraft xbox 360 i have made tic tac toe 3 times and there all using diferent ways of display and controll panels.
What does the thing do?:its a simple game what you play with your friends
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com
orry i dont have no videos or video footage but i am shure to get some soon!
Do you agree with the rules?:yes

What do you like the most about redstone?:the thing about redstone is you can be as creative and explore for new contraptions and mechanisms, also i love to make my own things

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: on minecraft xbox 360 i have made tic tac toe 3 times and there all using diferent ways of display and controll panels.
What does the thing do?:its a simple game what you play with your friends
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com

Do you agree with the rules?:yes