02-15-2014, 09:17 PM
[One thing before you read, I may not be able to respond in the next 2 days, so if I am asked of something, I will have little chance to get to the question or the changes. I hope you understand
Minecraft name: mineLOLpride
What do you like the most about redstone?: Figuring new mechanics out, and then experimenting with some newer mechanics.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I have made 3 different things: 1. A really tall and compact redstone elevator, 2. A short self-repairing bridge, and 3. A tall self-repairing wall
What does the thing do?: 1. Elevates you to the skies into a room where you can build a house in the sky on top of the elevator. 2. If a creeper explodes while it is on the bridge, the bridge will then repair itself. 3. Explosion hole in the wall? Let the wall repair itself with more cobblestone.
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com: I luckily have enough time to give you and image of each contraptions. (http://imgur.com/V5xpD7W,mkNlmZw,tPcLnC7) The first image is the bridge, the second is the wall, and the third is the elevator.
Do you agree with the rules?: I agree 110% and I will follow the rules to the full extent.
I will say one thing: If i were to build any of these for the trial, I will build the bridge, which is the quickest thing I can build fully and then perfect, The wall does not serve for a natural situation, and the elevator took 6 hours to build, time, and test.

Minecraft name: mineLOLpride
What do you like the most about redstone?: Figuring new mechanics out, and then experimenting with some newer mechanics.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I have made 3 different things: 1. A really tall and compact redstone elevator, 2. A short self-repairing bridge, and 3. A tall self-repairing wall
What does the thing do?: 1. Elevates you to the skies into a room where you can build a house in the sky on top of the elevator. 2. If a creeper explodes while it is on the bridge, the bridge will then repair itself. 3. Explosion hole in the wall? Let the wall repair itself with more cobblestone.
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com: I luckily have enough time to give you and image of each contraptions. (http://imgur.com/V5xpD7W,mkNlmZw,tPcLnC7) The first image is the bridge, the second is the wall, and the third is the elevator.
Do you agree with the rules?: I agree 110% and I will follow the rules to the full extent.
I will say one thing: If i were to build any of these for the trial, I will build the bridge, which is the quickest thing I can build fully and then perfect, The wall does not serve for a natural situation, and the elevator took 6 hours to build, time, and test.