Minecraft name: KashaShirosha
What do you like the most about redstone?: The infinite amount of possibility of using redstones as a way to make minecraft even more interesting. Although this trial are meant to 'rank up' from student to a builder, I thought that I will always be a student, learning new things about redstones.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge? : A 4-bit ALU.
What does it do? : The ALU shows addition, subtraction, AND, OR, and XOR logic.
Image from imgur.com : https://imgur.com/a/kKyVpa1
What do you plan on making for your build trial? : I plan to build a 4-bit ALU
Do you agree with the rules? : Yes.
What do you like the most about redstone?: The infinite amount of possibility of using redstones as a way to make minecraft even more interesting. Although this trial are meant to 'rank up' from student to a builder, I thought that I will always be a student, learning new things about redstones.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge? : A 4-bit ALU.
What does it do? : The ALU shows addition, subtraction, AND, OR, and XOR logic.
Image from imgur.com : https://imgur.com/a/kKyVpa1
What do you plan on making for your build trial? : I plan to build a 4-bit ALU
Do you agree with the rules? : Yes.