Minecraft name: FedSalad
What do you like the most about redstone?: My favorite part about redstone is how much a redstone-related problem engages me. I work non-stop for hours on end when it comes to figuring out a redstone problem or implementing one of the solutions I have devised. What interests me most about it though, is trying to come up with my own designs for common things, like RCAs and ALUs.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Calculator with UI
What does the thing do?: The calculator is a nine-bit addition and subtraction calculator, which features inputs and outputs between -511 and 511. Moreover, it includes a screen that outputs 3-digit positive or negative decimal numbers, and an interactive keypad. Transitions from the UI to binary were via BCD. This said, the calculator generates extreme lag, since its elements are not synced. As a result of this lag, inputs must be entered very slowly (you have to wait till the lag clears up before entering another input), and sometimes the 9-bit memory slots will stop working. Consequently, one of the most important lessons I learned as a student is to sync my devices. ./p v FedSalad if you would like to see it.
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: http://imgur.com/a/ftriV
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: ALU with addition, !A, !B, subtraction, XNOR, OR, AND, NAND, FC, and NOR operations.
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes
What do you like the most about redstone?: My favorite part about redstone is how much a redstone-related problem engages me. I work non-stop for hours on end when it comes to figuring out a redstone problem or implementing one of the solutions I have devised. What interests me most about it though, is trying to come up with my own designs for common things, like RCAs and ALUs.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Calculator with UI
What does the thing do?: The calculator is a nine-bit addition and subtraction calculator, which features inputs and outputs between -511 and 511. Moreover, it includes a screen that outputs 3-digit positive or negative decimal numbers, and an interactive keypad. Transitions from the UI to binary were via BCD. This said, the calculator generates extreme lag, since its elements are not synced. As a result of this lag, inputs must be entered very slowly (you have to wait till the lag clears up before entering another input), and sometimes the 9-bit memory slots will stop working. Consequently, one of the most important lessons I learned as a student is to sync my devices. ./p v FedSalad if you would like to see it.
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: http://imgur.com/a/ftriV
What do you plan on making for your build trial?: ALU with addition, !A, !B, subtraction, XNOR, OR, AND, NAND, FC, and NOR operations.
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes