07-25-2016, 07:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2016, 07:09 AM by MW3_587786.
Edit Reason: Needed to add info
The IOC is a competing network that won't run lines under everyone's plots until it actually needs to. It is based on a "Big papa System. Basically each node will attach to 2 other nodes, (except for Big papa, that one has 4) with a maximum of 128 nodes, which should be plenty. You can connect 8 devices to each baby node. A baby node is the node at the end of the line. Also what will happen when you send info, is the info goes to "Big Papa" which will do things at very high speeds, because let's face it, it's not very likely more than 4 people will be using the IOC at once. Then Big papa will send to a node designated by a 2 bit number, then the next node will connect to two other nodes designated by an 8 bit number. Also, it is impossible for data to arrive at the same time and be lost because there is an input for every machine that is connecting. What doesn't get sent is the IP address, which is a major security addition. However, if communicating with a server, you may send the ip address through the data part of the packet. Speaking of the packet, the first 16 bits is the 9 digit ip of the destination t. The remaining 32 bits is data.
now, speed. The IOC can have speeds of 20 bits/s sending data at 40 Bytes/s then waiting the same time.
10 1 1 0 1 0 100
little papas nodes LAN address (connection to multiple devices from the final node) That's an 11 bit IP address. This data is sent to big papa. Then Big papa sends it to the destination IP address, along with the data.
All in all, this system has potential. What I will work on is Big Papa, little Papas, regular nodes, baby nodes, and home switches (1 input and output from and to baby nodes, 8 inputs and outputs for the devices)
I know this may not be the perfect system, but if I can make the necessary components to do this before putting wires in everyone's plots, it would be much easier to run wires after everybody sees that the technology works.
After all, competition in the market can help everyone
Also, a value of 00001010 before hand signifies that you are sending data.
MSB is at top.
now, speed. The IOC can have speeds of 20 bits/s sending data at 40 Bytes/s then waiting the same time.
10 1 1 0 1 0 100
little papas nodes LAN address (connection to multiple devices from the final node) That's an 11 bit IP address. This data is sent to big papa. Then Big papa sends it to the destination IP address, along with the data.
All in all, this system has potential. What I will work on is Big Papa, little Papas, regular nodes, baby nodes, and home switches (1 input and output from and to baby nodes, 8 inputs and outputs for the devices)
I know this may not be the perfect system, but if I can make the necessary components to do this before putting wires in everyone's plots, it would be much easier to run wires after everybody sees that the technology works.
After all, competition in the market can help everyone

Also, a value of 00001010 before hand signifies that you are sending data.
MSB is at top.