(08-11-2013, 05:48 AM)CMOSprinkles Wrote: Evil, bussing does not necessarily add to the delay anymore with all of the vanilla instant repeater and instant inverter designs out there.
Some of the MAJOR bussing do need to be constant AND 1 wide or 2 wide tilable, so I can't use the insta wires I know of... Delay or not, it's gonna be a heck of a lot of fun! (atleast to make XD)
Let's take it for a ride, Customization of word typing: 41 characters * 21 screens = 861 different outcomes !yay!
(08-11-2013, 04:47 AM)himehowareu Wrote: While reading this i could not stop thinking of mcxhttp://forum.redstonedev.net/showthread.php?tid=1439
This would be cool to hook up to snuglycreeper's router
I am moving mcx over to oe in the morning
Just to get it out of the way... I did not steal your idea
But hooking it up to that router would be funny, have no idea how it could be done tho Xd
(08-10-2013, 11:41 PM)EvilDevil59NL Wrote: Fun project, but at the end, its going to be waay to slow due to the massive amount of bussing...
waay to slow? Patience brother, patience. But yeah, it's gonna be slow, but what the heck right?
Right now when executing 1 character (same character) on all 21 screens (at the same time) it takes around 33 seconds from the button is hit till all the screens have updated (and is visable from the control room !!!). When updating 1 at the time I expect some faster atleast.