05-13-2016, 01:40 PM
OK, decided to build a demo of my idea to see what kind of speed I would get. To send the first four bytes of data using 2 bytes would take 5 days. Epic fail. I have another idea, but I don't know if the bandwidth savings are worth the effort. It would save 1 byte for every 8 bytes sent. This method would guarantee a lower bounds for speed, worst case scenario, you would get speeds of 2 bytes per second.
So my question is: is making a 9 GB file use only 8 GB of bandwidth worth it if it means you may get speeds of 2 bytes per second (or more depending)?
So my question is: is making a 9 GB file use only 8 GB of bandwidth worth it if it means you may get speeds of 2 bytes per second (or more depending)?