01-26-2015, 08:58 AM
Fyi, when i was making the keyboard at first i wanted to have the same layout as the standard but if you look closely there is a pattern, its' in alphabetic order a to z and the shift to uppercase just adjusts the first value by 2. This and a few other symbols only comprise the bottom half of the rom, and numbers only take up one of the top (i haven't done it yet, been lazy) so 3 of the top roms dont have to lead into the display and probably can be cut into 1/4th the size by having it output a single wire to the function rather than having 4 hex outputs, so then if your wondering why half the rom is empty, sorry, its only supposed to be 5/8th empty, ill program numbers and functions sooo. i will be changing the 6 tick throughput dropper/hopper design for my new 2 tick throughput design also.