03-21-2014, 08:09 AM
#1 VirtualPineapple
On a side note: Tolerance is a key component in open teaching. There will always be inconsiderate fagits roaming around that will make you regret the past 5 minutes of your life but those 10% that do have good intent and express that appropriately should be focused upon. A teacher should be able to have the resistance to withstand a 90% fagit rate because your hope put into the others as a teacher is strong enough to overcome the high level of faggitrey.
On a side note: Tolerance is a key component in open teaching. There will always be inconsiderate fagits roaming around that will make you regret the past 5 minutes of your life but those 10% that do have good intent and express that appropriately should be focused upon. A teacher should be able to have the resistance to withstand a 90% fagit rate because your hope put into the others as a teacher is strong enough to overcome the high level of faggitrey.