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Oh wow, a runtime patcher! That's pretty sweet man! Big Grin That will greatly isolate the parts of the code that I want to run, for disabling certain parts and calling back in others. Definitely a leap forward if that works.
Forge uses it so they don't ship and of MC's code with forge it just installs its own tweaker for MC to load with. But yeah if it works.....
Okay this is a pain in the a** to get it to load MC and then your code..... But I will keep working.
What are the problems? Can I help?
It's loading your code before Minecrafts

Figure it out I need to tell it to load minecrafts...
You're setting up the classloader right? Isn't your code then invoked at runtime during execution of the sim?
Mine just loads minecraft then transforms the names to deobf ones then loads mc-sim and calls main. I am also replacing all calls to your class loader that it uses to get classes and method with the actual call. Also you need to use a deobf to srg names minecraft jar to link in as a library so you can launch it in eclipse.
Oh I get it. Big Grin I shall give it a try as well after I'm done with the tools. Right clicking is working for the cases I mentioned on the previous page, now doing rotations click. I underestimated how much work this would be. Take these blocks that are dependent on their surrounding blocks:

[Image: wjjPoGM.png]

There's a whole range of different checks for different components:
  • Torches check for isBlockNormalCubeDefault at the sides and doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface with added cases for fences, glass and walls.
  • Trapdoors can stick to anything that is opaque and renders as normal block, or glowstone, slabs or stairs.
  • Buttons are the most sane ones which only check for isBlockNormalCube.
  • Levers on the other hand can be placed on doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface as well.

So there isn't one system that works for all of them. I also don't want to hard-code these kinds of things, because I want the XML files to have all control. The plan I'm going to go with is just checking for isBlockNormalCube and ignoring all edge cases (mostly aesthetic anyway). If a user wants to have these cases, I'll let him just select the id and data they want.
I am finishing my test of class loading it byte a custom class loader with a transforming system.
Nice! Big Grin Still don't have internet at dorm, but should be fixed soon.
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