![[Image: jbhlQyD8WtZZHU.png]](http://i6.minus.com/jbhlQyD8WtZZHU.png)
What do you like the most about redstone?: Learning new things about the logic that goes into complicated redstone machines. I also find it very rewarding to build such a thing yourself and see it work perfectly in the end.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I mainly specialize in binary computing and things like that, and I've made my own design of an ALU.
What does the thing do?: The ALU basically contains a logical unit, and a mathematical unit. The mathematical unit can add/subtract, while still using the same set of adders, and the logical unit can perform functions like AND, NAND, OR, and XOR. The logic functions are all packed into almost one logic gate aswell, so it's pretty compact. It also contains a small system of OpCodes to simplify programming all the ALU's commands.