04-23-2015, 04:08 PM
Minecraft name:StarZeLlama (AKA: starspiker5)
What do you like the most about redstone?: I like how it can have so much variety, from a simple button, to a full computer. As someone who likes computers, it is something I'm very fond of.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I made a 7-segment saving display.
What does the thing do?: It allows you to program something onto a 7-segment display, then save it to 7 bits of data in the form of RS Nor latches
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: No, sorry, but it is one a server called creeperskingdom.mcph.co (If you happen to see me there, I'll show you it)
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes
What do you like the most about redstone?: I like how it can have so much variety, from a simple button, to a full computer. As someone who likes computers, it is something I'm very fond of.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I made a 7-segment saving display.
What does the thing do?: It allows you to program something onto a 7-segment display, then save it to 7 bits of data in the form of RS Nor latches
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com: No, sorry, but it is one a server called creeperskingdom.mcph.co (If you happen to see me there, I'll show you it)
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes