Minecraft name: Smaster7772
What do you like the most about redstone?: It allows cool uses full to be built in survival as-well as a MASSIVE tool to study computer science
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Currently designing a dual core to single core 8-4 bit computer with smart instructions read from RAM not ROM which are read from a mass storage device (similar to a Hard disk with a pistion)
What does it do?: it alows me to learn more about multicore to signlecore ALU wich is a concept im researching for my future goal of a quadcore 16bit ALU that can switch to a single 64bit alu to complete lager calculations and functions. such as on board CPU graphical processing with full RBG colour using command blocks (if allowed).
Do you agree with the rules?: Of course.
What do you like the most about redstone?: It allows cool uses full to be built in survival as-well as a MASSIVE tool to study computer science
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: Currently designing a dual core to single core 8-4 bit computer with smart instructions read from RAM not ROM which are read from a mass storage device (similar to a Hard disk with a pistion)
What does it do?: it alows me to learn more about multicore to signlecore ALU wich is a concept im researching for my future goal of a quadcore 16bit ALU that can switch to a single 64bit alu to complete lager calculations and functions. such as on board CPU graphical processing with full RBG colour using command blocks (if allowed).
Do you agree with the rules?: Of course.