12-08-2013, 09:49 PM
Hi, my name is Dominic (ts-nickname Dome) and here is my application for the ORE buildserver.
smth. about me:
My name is Dominic (capt. obvious), I'm from Germany and 17 years old.
Currently im visiting school(bib) in the 12th class (3rd semester).
My ingame-name (IGN):
TH3x1NF3RN0 (pretty annoying, i know
What in particular interests you most about redstone:
I like the fact that there's nothing comparable... Its like a firstperson Logisim and you can create almost anything you can imagine (e.g. logic-circuits).
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
I already build several things like dividers, multipliers as well as different ALU-designs with standard-functions like not a&b, xor, and, xnor, nand, add, flood & cut carry. (some pictures of my plot on another redstoneserver below)
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#0) An ALU-design created by myself
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#1) An divider based on two's complement
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#2) An 8-bit Cpu with hexadecimal-screen
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#3) some decoder & counter stuff
smth. about me:
My name is Dominic (capt. obvious), I'm from Germany and 17 years old.
Currently im visiting school(bib) in the 12th class (3rd semester).
My ingame-name (IGN):
TH3x1NF3RN0 (pretty annoying, i know

What in particular interests you most about redstone:
I like the fact that there's nothing comparable... Its like a firstperson Logisim and you can create almost anything you can imagine (e.g. logic-circuits).
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:
I already build several things like dividers, multipliers as well as different ALU-designs with standard-functions like not a&b, xor, and, xnor, nand, add, flood & cut carry. (some pictures of my plot on another redstoneserver below)
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#0) An ALU-design created by myself
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#1) An divider based on two's complement
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#2) An 8-bit Cpu with hexadecimal-screen
(http://imgur.com/a/ImtDW#3) some decoder & counter stuff