03-12-2019, 04:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2019, 04:07 PM by PaukkuPalikka.
Edit Reason: added link to old build plot coordinate list
Despite experiencing a few issues at the start, ORE Network is finally up and it has been running fairly reliably. We thank all the Staff for helping put together the ORE Network and we would also like to give much thanks to user _zSwifty_ for his part in the entire process. With his contributions, Staff would like to recommend his promotion to Moderator. Please vote regarding his promotion with the poll attached.
Since many people have been asking questions about ORE Network, it only makes sense to answer some of the frequently asked questions.
-> Capo's self-shilling link to his post about his epic aliases.
Despite experiencing a few issues at the start, ORE Network is finally up and it has been running fairly reliably. We thank all the Staff for helping put together the ORE Network and we would also like to give much thanks to user _zSwifty_ for his part in the entire process. With his contributions, Staff would like to recommend his promotion to Moderator. Please vote regarding his promotion with the poll attached.
Since many people have been asking questions about ORE Network, it only makes sense to answer some of the frequently asked questions.
- Connect using one IP: mc.openredstone.org
- You can switch between servers by going through portals in the hub, or by typing a command /servername (/hub for the hub server or /build for build, for example).
- There is a scoreboard which displays stats about your WorldEdit selection. To hide it (and clear your selection), use the command /hidehelper
- Use //save name and //load name to save and load schematics from your clipboard.
- For reporting issues, you can use the #server-bugs channel on Discord
- You can build on any claimed plot. Please respect the wishes of the plots owner though and do not build there if requested not to.
- To use WorldEdit on another person's plot, you need to be trusted. (/p trust name)
- For now, it is possible to access the old build world through /warp BuildOld. Avoid bringing all of your old builds by making schematics or by downloading a copy of the map.
- Coordinates of old build plots are available here.
- At first, everyone gets a single plot. You can ask for another when you have filled your current one.
- Item drops are enabled to a point. Our SmartItemRemoval plugin removes excessive amounts of items. This is subject to change as people don't seem too fond of item drops.
- The school application process has been automated. (/apply)
- All subsequent documentation has been updated.
- Freebuild has been moved to its own server.
- New boat tracks should be built on the build server.
- To make a new track, ask staff for assistance in granting you another plot for you to make your track.
- Once completed, a track can be moved onto a plot on the Boat server by a Staff member.
- The play server is accessible to Builders and Students.
- This server has no minecraft mechanic disabled, perfect for building contraptions with water, lava, fire, and TNT.
- The survival server is simply that, survival.
- Only builders can interact on the survival server. All other ranks will not be able to leave spawn.

-> Capo's self-shilling link to his post about his epic aliases.