11-24-2013, 09:19 PM
To start off, I'm 16, turning 17 in january. I've been into electronic stuffs since I was about 9, and since then it's always kinda been one of those things I enjoy. It wasn't until the past year that I really started to understand more complicated stuff. I love researching CPUs, ALUs, GPUs, things like that. As some of you may know by now, I'm not the greatest at redstone. I really do think I understand logic extremely well, but I just have problems taking what I know and making hardware in MC. I've been doing redstone for about 3 yrs now, but I've improved within the past few months greatly. This server is an amazing learning environment and I get taught so much. I build a lot of ALUs, I really enjoy taking my designs and compacting them, it's a really satisfying feeling. And also, I know that sometimes I just disappear from the server for a certain amount of time. No I didn't die or anything haha, I just get caught up with other hobbies sometimes, like working on my car, COD, hanging out with friends, that sort of thing. Electronics and cars are massive hobbies for me, and sometimes I don't work on my car for weeks because I'm always on the server. It's all just a matter of what I feel like doing at the time
Anyway, I am extremely eager to learn and one thing about me is I always want to improve on my designs. My ultimate goal for redstone is to make a full 8bit CPU with a screen, that would be possible for programming some simple games like maybe pong. I know that's far-fetched, but really I just want to learn how to implement a screen, and how to make a complete IS. So that's a little about Epic, if you're interested at all about me I have no problem sharing 
