dick went to the store and dick bought some apples for our pie.
Also, on point:
I would absolutely *love* to give students worldedit, I think most admins agree with me there, the *only* reason they don't have it is because getting student is trivial and ee have no easy way to prevent them greifing with it.
I assure you, you do not get worldedit so you can feel better than them and deny them help, and if you are so lazy that you would rather *ban* students from using *other people's* worldedit than have to endure the *hardship* of helping them once in a while, you probably should not be a teacher.
Also, on point:
crazyninja Wrote:the whole point of the builder is to get WE.nonononononononoNNONONonononONNONOnonnonNONONONONONONONOONONON
I would absolutely *love* to give students worldedit, I think most admins agree with me there, the *only* reason they don't have it is because getting student is trivial and ee have no easy way to prevent them greifing with it.
I assure you, you do not get worldedit so you can feel better than them and deny them help, and if you are so lazy that you would rather *ban* students from using *other people's* worldedit than have to endure the *hardship* of helping them once in a while, you probably should not be a teacher.