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Python BF Interpreter - Printable Version

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Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-26-2013

What can I say? I don't think I did that bad on the code. The way I constrained the numbers to unsigned bytes is kinda cheaty... but who cares? Tongue

Here's a pastebin link:


P.S. I also set up the file I/O so that you can specify your code as the first command line argument. (Windows slang: You can drag your BF code onto the python file and it will run it.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mad1231999 - 10-27-2013

So many liiiiines :'(

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-27-2013

It's kind of un-pythonic, yeah. And guess what? I made some updates and now there are more lines!

RE: Python BF Interpreter - EDevil - 10-28-2013

More lines == Brainstorming == 10 years later Brain bleeding == Serious damage == Surgery == Complications == Serious complications == Death. Your program causes our death

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Jmking80 - 10-28-2013

++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>. Sorry Evil if your head hurts now.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mad1231999 - 10-28-2013


Translate that Smile

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mort96 - 10-28-2013

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 #include <stdio.h>\
const int MAX_DEPTH = 100, MEM_SIZE = 30000;\
int main(int argc, char **argv) \{\
    if(argc <= 1) \{ printf("You have to specify a filename. Usage:\\n<executable> <BF filename>\\n"); return 0; \}\
    char mem[MEM_SIZE]; // 30,000 is default with Brainfuck\
    int lindex[MAX_DEPTH];\
    int depth = 0, len = 0, ptr = 0;\
    FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");\
    if(f == 0) \{ printf("Invalid filename: %s\\n", argv[1]); return 0; \}\
    int curr; while((curr = fgetc(f)) != EOF)  \
        switch((char) curr)\
            case '+':   ++(mem[ptr]);                       break;\
            case '-':   --(mem[ptr]);                       break;\
            case '<':   if(ptr > 0) --ptr;                  break;\
            case '>':   if(ptr < MEM_SIZE) ++ptr;           break;\
            case '.':   putchar(mem[ptr]);                  break;\
            case ',':   mem[ptr] = getchar();getchar();     break;\
            case '[':   if(mem[ptr] == 0) \{\
                            int d = 0, i = ftell(f); char c = '\\0';\
                            while(!feof(f)) \{ ++i; c = fgetc(f); if(c == '[') \{ ++d; \} else if(c == ']') \{ if(d == 0) \{ fseek(f, i, SEEK_SET); break; \} else \{ --d; \} \} \}\
                        \} else\
                            lindex[depth++] = ftell(f);\
            case ']':   if(depth > 0 && mem[ptr] == 0) \{\} else \{ fseek(f, lindex[depth - 1], SEEK_SET); \} break;\
            default: break;\

That's a lot of \s ._.

Anyways, >+++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+++.>+++++[<+++++>-]<++++++++++.--------.>++++++++[<-------->-]<---------------.>++++++++[<++++++++>-]<+++.--.>+++[<+++>-]<++++.>++++++++[<-------->-]<--------------.>++++++++[<++++++++>-]<++++++++++++++++.----.>+++[<--->-]<--.>++++[<++++>-]<++++++++.>+++++++++[<--------->-]<--------.>+++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+++.>+++[<--->-]<---.-------.>++++[<++++>-]<+++.>+++++++++[<--------->-]<---.>++++++++[<++++++++>-]<+++++++.------.>+++[<+++>-]<+++.--------.>+++++++[<------->-]<------.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-28-2013


RE: Python BF Interpreter - EDevil - 10-28-2013

[Image: surrender.jpg]

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mort96 - 10-28-2013


Btw, it could be useful to have a look at my brainfuck interpreter and text-to-bf thing :3

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-28-2013

>makes thread about his interpreter

>"could be useful to check out this interpreter"

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mort96 - 10-28-2013

Was mostly thinking of the text->BF part of it. Also, in browser > download it, download Python and run >:D

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-29-2013

Yeah, but mine, being Python, is approximately 50 times faster. Tongue

RE: Python BF Interpreter - xdot - 10-29-2013

(10-29-2013, 01:07 AM)Iceglade Wrote: Yeah, but mine, being Python, is approximately 50 times faster. Tongue


Python is actually one of the slowest scripting languages (according to that site, at least 10-50 times slower than JS 8).

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mort96 - 10-29-2013

JavaScript 8? The newest verion is ECMAScript 7 ._. I'd assume that by JavaScript V8 it means JS on Google's V8 engine, not the 8th version of JS Tongue

Other than that tho, yay JS!

RE: Python BF Interpreter - xdot - 10-29-2013

Obviously.. Tongue

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-29-2013

Why, then, did mort's execute in approx. 61 ms where mine was 2? :p

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mort96 - 10-29-2013

That's just because of my sloppy coding.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-30-2013

In that case, mine is faster. <puts hands on hips and turns away>

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Chibill - 10-30-2013

*claps and chants* "Ice's is faster Ice's is faster!"

RE: Python BF Interpreter - EDevil - 10-30-2013

*Stares at all of you while eating glue*

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Xeomorpher - 10-30-2013


Fuck BF

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 10-30-2013

I'm going to assume that's fake BF?

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 10-31-2013

I was just messing around with my first bit of brainfuck code, my brain doen not fucking understand (See what I did there?).

I found how to print an H and added a plus, then it became an I. So I was like, WOOOOH, I CAN WRITE HI!

EDIT: I understand brainfuck! Wooh! Just like 5 mins after I posted this.

(10-30-2013, 09:18 PM)Iceglade Wrote: I'm going to assume that's fake BF?

It is proper brainfuck, except for the slashes. Though it does not output anything.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-01-2013

No, he just figured out which chars were in BF and typed random ones xD

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 11-01-2013

(11-01-2013, 01:42 AM)Iceglade Wrote: No, he just figured out which chars were in BF and typed random ones xD

Jup, but it still is proper bf code.

This I did not write myself, but I used morts handy translator for it, thanks mort!


RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-01-2013

Wait... is that a quine?

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 11-02-2013

(11-01-2013, 09:03 PM)Iceglade Wrote: Wait... is that a quine?

What is a quine?

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-02-2013

A program that prints itself.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 11-02-2013

(11-02-2013, 11:38 AM)Iceglade Wrote: A program that prints itself.

No, it's brainfuck-ception. Try it out with mort's translator, or with your own compiler.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Xeomorpher - 11-02-2013


RE: Python BF Interpreter - Somepotato - 11-03-2013

I made a Brainfuck to Lua code converter, it was made as joke because it outputted things like this:

RE: Python BF Interpreter - xdot - 11-03-2013

(11-03-2013, 07:00 AM)Somepotato Wrote: I made a Brainfuck to Lua code converter, it was made as joke because it outputted things like this:






Lua in a nutshell.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-03-2013

(11-03-2013, 07:00 AM)Somepotato Wrote: I made a Brainfuck to Lua code converter, it was made as joke because it outputted things like this:

My god o_O

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 11-03-2013

(11-03-2013, 07:00 AM)Somepotato Wrote: I made a Brainfuck to Lua code converter, it was made as joke because it outputted things like this:

Wow, just wow

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Somepotato - 11-03-2013

Yyeahhh which is why I thought it was funny because it had actually worked. I think that scripts missing an end at the end though.. no pun intended.

I made a BF to Lua bytecode converter though and it outputted better stuff, thinking about using dynasm and making a JIT compiler for it.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - mad1231999 - 11-05-2013

(10-30-2013, 04:03 AM)Chibill Wrote: *claps and chants* "Ice's is faster Ice's is faster!"

Mine is fastest! Smile

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-05-2013

Well that's C... no fair ;_;

RE: Python BF Interpreter - David - 11-05-2013

(11-05-2013, 03:34 PM)Iceglade Wrote: Well that's C... no fair ;_;

You can't improve that with python.

RE: Python BF Interpreter - Iceglade - 11-05-2013

That's what I mean Tongue