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What's your favorite programming language(s) and why? - Printable Version

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RE: What's your favorite programming language(s) and why? - zSwifty - 10-18-2015

(10-14-2015, 12:47 PM)Hastumer Wrote: Lua, nobody on ORE likes it, but I do x'D It's easy to understand, easy to write and no big parenthesis mess, e.g:

if x == 1 {
System.out.println("x is equal to one");
} else {
System.out.println("x is not equal to one, it's " + x);
simply get's

if x == 1 then
print("x is equal to one")
print("x is not equal to one, it's "..x)
yep... lua is amazing to me, its simple, and really cool as a language. so, I got a question, what IDES do you use? for lua: SCITE C++: codeblocks Fortran: Codeblocks java: eclipse (obviously), python: IDLE

RE: What's your favorite programming language(s) and why? - Tommyand - 11-01-2015


  • Python
  • C
  • Lisp (I want to learn it someday)
  • Ocaml (Same)
  • Java
Absolutely Hate:
  • C# (See Java, Windows Only.)
  • BrainF*ck
  • Befunge
  • Whitespace
I think that about covers it.