It pretty much is the 3 tick CCA (by Alex_You, Koyarno, Nikkeru_), but desynced (and a bit of redesign for LSB), so the comparators at the end receive an updated signal only 1 tick after the inputs are received, but because minecraft, the comparators use the signal values from 1 tick later for the output, so even though the carry signal reaches the comparators 2 ticks after the input, the comparator instantly uses that for its output. (I'd argue its not quite insta-logic, as this one does not go to great lengths to exploit the insta-comparators, simply uses the natural desynced nature of the adder to get one semi-instant comparator (only instant for one of the comparator inputs))
To be extra safe, unpower the adder before a next number is fed, but that may not be necessary
You can find it in the middle of my plot (ZCube), I have a raw, paste model, and a check it if you dont belive me one
To be extra safe, unpower the adder before a next number is fed, but that may not be necessary
You can find it in the middle of my plot (ZCube), I have a raw, paste model, and a check it if you dont belive me one