05-01-2016, 05:48 PM
Minecraft name: KodeyCocanut
What do you like the most about redstone?:The Creativity. Its endless and you can do pretty much anything with it!
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:Command blocks, piston creations, and Armourstand creations
What does it do?:CommandBlocks: create Cool animations or vanilla mods. PistonCreation: Big piston doors, elevators Cars. DisplayDevice: Made a machine that displays the numbers in one place/position/spot.
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-iYJvl...e=youtu.be
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes I Do, Its Important to listen to them
What do you like the most about redstone?:The Creativity. Its endless and you can do pretty much anything with it!
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:Command blocks, piston creations, and Armourstand creations
What does it do?:CommandBlocks: create Cool animations or vanilla mods. PistonCreation: Big piston doors, elevators Cars. DisplayDevice: Made a machine that displays the numbers in one place/position/spot.
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-iYJvl...e=youtu.be
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes I Do, Its Important to listen to them