What is your In Game Name: auztin3
What in particular interests you most about redstone: The fact that theres endless possibilities with something that on the outside seems so simple. I particulary like creating compact calculators and mini games that require a vast knowledge of binary and decoders.
Which prompt have you selected to build: 5 with a little of 3
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed: Ill build a cursor that is able to move in eight directions.
Please provide an explanation of your device: It uses Properinglish19's XY Decoder to decode the outputs of two shift bidirectional shift registers to make one point on the graph. Up, down, left, and right can be achieved by simply hooking up four on the directions directly to either the left or right function of the specified shift register. The diagonal ones need to use two of the directions to achieve... so the timings must be down to the tick!
Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com:
I hope these links work... You might have to copy/paste them into the search bar. The last three pictures (i think) are of the graphing calculator i built on the Xbox 360 Edition... Yeah no worldedit for me... Other than that theres an unfinished pong game and also checkers which ive started...
Do you agree to the rules of our server: Yes
What in particular interests you most about redstone: The fact that theres endless possibilities with something that on the outside seems so simple. I particulary like creating compact calculators and mini games that require a vast knowledge of binary and decoders.
Which prompt have you selected to build: 5 with a little of 3
If you selected prompt 5, what is the prompt that you have designed: Ill build a cursor that is able to move in eight directions.
Please provide an explanation of your device: It uses Properinglish19's XY Decoder to decode the outputs of two shift bidirectional shift registers to make one point on the graph. Up, down, left, and right can be achieved by simply hooking up four on the directions directly to either the left or right function of the specified shift register. The diagonal ones need to use two of the directions to achieve... so the timings must be down to the tick!

Please provide image or video documentation of your device hosted by either imgur.com or youtube.com:
I hope these links work... You might have to copy/paste them into the search bar. The last three pictures (i think) are of the graphing calculator i built on the Xbox 360 Edition... Yeah no worldedit for me... Other than that theres an unfinished pong game and also checkers which ive started...
Do you agree to the rules of our server: Yes