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NJIS-8S Instruction Set
Transputer Architecture
I've decided to challenge myself by doing something I've never done before. I've made a couple other PUs and CPUs in my time on ORE/RDF, but I've never before messed with a stack architecture. So, my next project will be the Ninja Stacker, NJSTK for short. It's an 8-bit stack-based processor based on my new NJIS-8S instruction set and influenced by the Transputer architecture. I'm essentially making a Transputer without workspaces and processes.
Feedback pl0x :)
NJIS-8S Instruction Set
Transputer Architecture
I've decided to challenge myself by doing something I've never done before. I've made a couple other PUs and CPUs in my time on ORE/RDF, but I've never before messed with a stack architecture. So, my next project will be the Ninja Stacker, NJSTK for short. It's an 8-bit stack-based processor based on my new NJIS-8S instruction set and influenced by the Transputer architecture. I'm essentially making a Transputer without workspaces and processes.
- 1 Hz clock cycle
- 4 stage pipeline (fetch-fetch-decode-execute)
- 64 stack registers
- 64 lines of PROM
Feedback pl0x :)