MC username: Flubber_MC
I mainly do lots of work with pistons, like doors or hidden staircase. One design I am very happy with is my seamless 2 wide hidden staircase. Closed, it is a flat surface, but when opened it is a seamless (so no pistons or redstone visible) 2-wide staircase downwards. My parents won't let me upload to imgur, (I'm not young they're just dont understand computers) and I dont have any recording system to speak of. However, I have some credentials. I am trusted rank on the server, and if a member of the ORE staff wants to examine my work, they can go there, or I can get a refferal if necessary. I do comply with rules, as the Redstoner staff can tell you.
I mainly do lots of work with pistons, like doors or hidden staircase. One design I am very happy with is my seamless 2 wide hidden staircase. Closed, it is a flat surface, but when opened it is a seamless (so no pistons or redstone visible) 2-wide staircase downwards. My parents won't let me upload to imgur, (I'm not young they're just dont understand computers) and I dont have any recording system to speak of. However, I have some credentials. I am trusted rank on the server, and if a member of the ORE staff wants to examine my work, they can go there, or I can get a refferal if necessary. I do comply with rules, as the Redstoner staff can tell you.