Minecraft name: KomaedaNanami
What do you like the most about redstone?: Its fun to use and to creat stuff
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I made a trap
What does the thing do?: It drops an anvil when it says it'll drop diamonds
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com:
I forgot to make a picture of it before i deleted the world
Do you agree with the rules?: TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you like the most about redstone?: Its fun to use and to creat stuff

What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?: I made a trap

What does the thing do?: It drops an anvil when it says it'll drop diamonds
Image and/or video, from imgur.com or youtube.com:

Do you agree with the rules?: TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!