hankrocker(im trying to change it)
What do you like the most about redstone?: iv always liked piston mechanics im better at that then any thing else. This is one of the reasons why i at first did not want to join the server as a full member because you guy have always focsed on computing and im not to great at that i know the bacics and am working to get the harder stuff down.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:it was a computor that stores 3 code if one code was entered right a specific door would open
What does the thing do?:it can hold and process as many codes as the block limit will let it
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com:[img]oirhPIUFIUJDS[/img]
What do you plan on making for your build trial?
omething like the thing i just said but bigger and better
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes
What do you like the most about redstone?: iv always liked piston mechanics im better at that then any thing else. This is one of the reasons why i at first did not want to join the server as a full member because you guy have always focsed on computing and im not to great at that i know the bacics and am working to get the harder stuff down.
What's a thing you have made which demonstrates redstone knowledge?:it was a computor that stores 3 code if one code was entered right a specific door would open
What does the thing do?:it can hold and process as many codes as the block limit will let it
Image/s and/or video/s of the device, from imgur.com or youtube.com:[img]oirhPIUFIUJDS[/img]
What do you plan on making for your build trial?

Do you agree with the rules?: Yes