06-12-2016, 09:23 PM
I'm linking in here some more screenshots of my creation. As you can see i use some commandblocks but only in order to inform user about current settings (like, if assembling is on or off). Console consits of (nearly) standard qwerty keyboard and 4 special keys (85 is assembling switch). There is also 4 tick display, instant ram (2 times 64 Bytes. There is only 7 bit address bus so 128 cell is still), assembly module and CPU. Some of my CPU features:
-15 ALU functions (there is also function +not, which changes for example OR into NOR).
-8 side registers, A, B input regisers and C main register (if you want to save something in side register, initially, you have to store it in C).
-jump and jump if command.
-15 ALU functions (there is also function +not, which changes for example OR into NOR).
-8 side registers, A, B input regisers and C main register (if you want to save something in side register, initially, you have to store it in C).
-jump and jump if command.