Hello all! After finishing my little ALU I remembered my Halloween "costume".
The a little bit ago I decided to make a custom skin for Halloween, of course I chose my two favorite Redstoners, Hans_Lemurson and Koala_Steamed. I plan to wear this this Halloween.
After I finsihed my ALU and saved the schematics I remembered the costume, and wondered if anyone else did something like this. So, does anyone do something like this, and if so, what is you Halloween skin this year?
The a little bit ago I decided to make a custom skin for Halloween, of course I chose my two favorite Redstoners, Hans_Lemurson and Koala_Steamed. I plan to wear this this Halloween.
After I finsihed my ALU and saved the schematics I remembered the costume, and wondered if anyone else did something like this. So, does anyone do something like this, and if so, what is you Halloween skin this year?