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Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Printable Version

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Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - AltruismAndCake - 01-28-2015

My brother is giving me 2 copies tomorrow. One is going to Nick. Also I'm considering buying a bunch extras a person has. They have 11 copies, and I think I can get them for reasonably cheap. If I decide and manage to get them, who wants a copy? I'm giving them away for free, but I'm open to receiving gifts Wink

First come, first serve. COME AND GET 'EM.

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Xray_Doc - 01-28-2015

If a standard laptop can run it, I would gladly take one.

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - AltruismAndCake - 01-28-2015

Heres the minimum specs Xray:

OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 /
Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+ or better
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:256 MB video card
Hard Drive:255 MB HD space
Recommended is twice as much RAM and graphics

I think a laptop should be able to run it.

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - fluffy406 - 01-28-2015

i'll have a copy

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - repeerc709 - 01-28-2015

mememememe :3

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - newomaster - 01-28-2015


RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - PabloDons - 01-28-2015

I like free stuff, might give you something back one time though :3

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Apuly - 01-28-2015

I'll give you a copy of assasins creed 25 if you give me a copy

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Nuuppanaani - 01-28-2015

can me has free stuff?

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Magic :^) - 01-28-2015

meeeeee plz

I would love a copy

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Spidermy9 - 01-28-2015

ME TUUUU <3 steam name is either -
Dr. Catata Fish



RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - TuchiTheSalt - 01-28-2015

sure Big Grin i love free stuffs

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - hunterjake88 - 01-28-2015

I thought Castle Crashers was free, but I guess not. I'll take one Alt. Thanks for the kind "donation" to the community Big Grin

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - 18aidanme - 01-28-2015

Awesome! Thanks alt, you're the best!

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - AltruismAndCake - 01-28-2015

OK that was the last copy. Hopefully I will have them soon after the beginning of the month. Smile

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Xray_Doc - 01-28-2015

Thank you based god

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - VirtualPineapple - 01-29-2015

Give me moar. I'll be ur bitch <3

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - AltruismAndCake - 02-02-2015

Ok good new I managed to make a trade, bad news is I'm one copy short atm, so 18 won't get a copy until later. everyone else contact me for your copy of the game Big Grin

RE: Castle Crashers: how many copies should i get? - Xray_Doc - 02-13-2015

Sorry about the bump, but I don't think I was ever sent a copy. Are you on my friends list?